

I am engineer, hobby photographer, software developer and on this website I will publish things I made and which might be interesting for people out there.
You can find engineering tools at the calculator section. At the photography section you can find photos I made in randomly order. Whenever I have time and passion I will add some new content.


2024-02-01 - octave library

Over the years I built some GNU Octave tools which adds functionality to GNU Octave which is missing in the software. Here I will publish some code from time to time.

2023-08-17 - indent source code

"Codeeinruecker" is a very old script I made to automatically indent messed up old source code. It turned out to be helpful a lot of times to me. Paste your code on the left side, click the button and see what happens :)

2023-06-09 - run coturn with dynamic ip address

Here you find a bash script which helps you to run the turn server "coturn" without static ip address.


If you have questions feel free to contact me via e-mail: mail@guiard.org

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